A little perspective

I’m so sure y’all have seen this on, like, a hundred million other writing/book/publishing blogs and websites already, but just in case you haven’t, please watch this video:

Oh my God, is that not the funniest thing ever? It’s all so true. My favorite quote? “YouTube. Of course. ‘Cause you know that’s the dream, right? 20 years ago when I wanted to become a writer, a big part of the dream was being able to put little videos on the Internet. That’s it. That’s why we do this.”

Egg hunt

For those of you out there who are big fans of John Green, author of such YA novels as the Printz-winning Looking for Alaska and his follow-up An Abundance of Katherines (which has the world’s most kick-ass cover, IMHO), you should check this out–Green and his brother, Hank, have created some sort of Wikipedia-esque site to promote/tease his new novel, Paper Towns? I say this interrogatively because I actually don’t know that for a fact. It’s sort of just what Green hints on his blog. So…should be fun? I’m going to tackle it and see what I can come up with–apparently, there’s an Easter Egg (geekology for an intentional hidden message or feature in an object such as a movie, book, CD, DVD, computer program, video game, or website) that I assume (? again) will reveal something about Paper Towns. So what are you waiting for? Go hunt!

ETA: I found it! Can you?