Website up!

As soon as I pony up the money, this blog is going to automatically redirect to the blog at my NEW WEBSITE OMG YOU GUYS! So change your RSS feed and head on over to the new site: there’s a FAQ with both serious and bizarre questions, and if you check out the About the Site page you’ll see that there are some cool things coming. Also, don’t forget about The A Team–Joanna posted yesterday and we’ve had a big couple of weeks with book news that we’re almost ready to share, plus I’ll probably put up a post about copy edits when I get them next week, but this week I plan to post about the site and how we went from this blog to that thing of beauty, so stay tuned.

Say sayonara to this and hello to that!

Frequently ask your questions, pls

That was the subject of an email I sent to a grip of my friends the other day asking for questions I could answer on the as-yet-nonexistent Frequently Asked Questions section of the SUPER AWESOME WEBSITE that’s being built. Can we talk about this website for a minute? It’s going to be awesome. I’ll give you a hint:


Yeah. Get ready! We’re hoping to launch March 16th.

I’ll tell you, I’ve seen a lot of author websites, some that are great and some that are hideous. I wanted to have one that was great, but also easy to use (on my end and on the visitors’ end). I wanted to be able to maintain and update my own content, so my designer is going to build the thing on WordPress. I wanted the design to be general, not book specific, because I didn’t want to have to deal with a redesign in 2011 when MB comes out. BUT, the design takes its cue from something in the book, so it’s not wholly unrelated. I wanted it to be fun and bright because that’s what I can stand looking at all the time, but I wanted the design to be simple and sophisticated. We came up with a concept that I think is going to work.

The thing that’s most exciting to me about the site, though, is that we’re going to sprinkle some hidden content throughout the pages, just to give it that possibility of discovery. Don’t worry, it won’t be too complicated, I hate that; there will be an explanation in the “About the Site” page so that people know what to look for, if not what they’re getting. I haven’t decided what all the hidden content is going to be yet, but I have a feeling that .jpgs of a few pages of my character manifestos will probably be in the mix.

This was a long way of saying that if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them! At the moment I have a hodgepodge collection of questions that range from the serious (“How did you decide that you wanted to write a mystery?”) to the silly (“If you were a tree, what sort of tree would you be?”). Actually, the silly outnumber the serious 2:1. So if you have a question, please leave it in the comments or email me at anna {D.O.T} jarzab {A.T} gmail {D.O.T} com.

Oh, and just in case I’m not the absolute last person in the whole internets to know about this, Kristi, editor of the awesome YA book blog site The Story Siren, has begun to compile a directory of YA book blog sites. There are sites on there written by YA readers and there’s also a list of YA author blogs and websites for your perusal. This is such a great resource.

Also, because apparently this is going to be one of those posts where I dump everything I’m thinking/have done, this weekend I read Courtney SummersCracked Up to Be. I have a couple of things to say about this book and they go as follows (the grammatical dubiousness of that sentence baffles even myself):

A. It’s excellent. Just excellent. I loved it.

B. Courtney Summers is one of my favorite YA author bloggers. I wish she would post more, because I enjoy reading her stuff.

C. I’ve known about Cracked Up to Be for a while now even though I only read it this weekend, and to be honest I always thought it was supposed to be, like, Cracked Up-to-Be, like, “bride-to-be” or “mother-to-be”. Like, you’re going to crack up but you haven’t quite yet. It wasn’t until I started reading more of Courtney’s blog that I realized it was just the last four words of the phrase “it’s not all it’s cracked up to be”. In my head, I still think of it the other way.

Anyway, I highly recommend Cracked Up to Be, and Courtney’s website.

Also, this weekend I went to see The Reader and ended up meeting Andrew Bird. New York!


Someday soon, I hope, my friend Eric is going to design me a website. We haven’t been really working on it because of the summer and our various vacations and my need to really finish my revisions, etc., but hopefully now that it’s fall we can start thinking about things and get the ball rolling. I’ve also been putting it off because ideally I’d like to maybe possibly sell AUT before we design the site, mostly because, you know, some content besides the blog would be nice. But I’m not sure how long it’s going to take to do that, so I think we’ll take our time and work on it when we can until I make a decision about what exactly I would like to go up.

Anyway, Eric told me to start gathering up some ideas about what I want the site to look like. I have kind of an idea but no concrete plan, so I decided the best way would be to gather up images that invoked the aesthetic I wanted and then show them to him and see what he can do with that. The easiest (read: laziest) way I’ve found to do this is to subscribe to the RSS feeds for We Heart It and FFFFOUND and a frillion other Tumblrs and use Google Reader’s star feature to keep track of all the images I like. I’ve been downloading them and putting them into a Picasa album for Eric to look at when he gets home.

I thought I’d put up some samples here. Mostly they conform to one very broad aesthetic, a sort of vintage, shabby-chic (I guess–this is the term Eric used) look with lots of muted, faded tones and soft light filters. My attraction to this aesthetic sort of surprises me, since I’m usually all about bright colors and graphics, but I want the site to be sophisticated and understated and beautiful, not loud and in-your-face. Enjoy!

I know it’s probably been done over and over again, but I really like the vintage Poloroid look a lot of these pictures have. It’s nice and subtle. This isn’t the entire collection of images I’ve amassed for Eric, but it’s a good sampling.

[Also, I should note that none of these photographs were taken by me, and they are the property of whoever produced them. This is just for illustration. If you know anything about We Heart It and FFFFOUND and Tumblr, you’ll know that a lot of these photos just wandered into my Google Reader without sources, so if they belong to you and you’d like me to put up a link please email me.]